Post Sandberg: The Title of the Work is a two day installment of past and current work of five Amsterdam based artists graduated from the Sandberg Instituut in 2017. The pilot exhibition PS:TTOTW revisits graduate works featured in the publication The Title of the Work parallel to showing new work of artists Aaro Murphy, Duran Lantink, Ivan Cheng, Nicola Baratto and Yannis Mouravas, Rebekka Fries and Smári Rúnar Róbertsson. The publication is updated with new pages during the exhibition period.
PS:TTOTW was on display in the Willem Sandberg space and Kitchen project space in the Benthem & Crouwel building at Fred. Roeskestraat 96 in Amsterdam
Artists: Aaro Murphy, Duran Lantink, Ivan Cheng, Nicola Baratto and Yannis Mouravas, Rebekka Fries, Smári Rúnar Róbertsson
Coordinator: Anke Zedelius, Carolin Reichert
Editor: Jason Page
Curator: Jules van den Langenberg
Graphic Design: Our Polite Society
Photography: Tom Janssen
Director: Jurgen Bey
Thanks to Idea Books, PUMBO, Raddraaier SSP, Sandberg Instituut, staff and graduates of 2017
photograph: Tom Janssen